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HSSP archive format

Developer Leonard Lesinski
Common file extensions .hssp
Endianness little endian

About HSSP

HSSP is being developed as a simple archive format, allowing for the storage of up to 4,294,967,295 (=2^32, the highest possible Uint32 value) files in a single archive. Every file can be up to 16 exbibytes (2^64 B) in size. In total, the archive can hold up to 64 robibytes (2^86 B) of data, thats why the format is called HSSP (Huge Size Supporting Package). The format is designed to be simple and easy to implement, while still being able to store large amounts of data.

History of HSSP

HSSP is being developed since March 2023 and receives updates since then. The format is still in development and may change with future updates.

Since version 4 of the format, the format is considered stable and no breaking changes are expected to be made.

Every version uses AES-256 in CBC mode for encryption and MurmurHash3 for hashing.

Version history

Version 4 (2023-07-11)

Code name: Indexed (IDXD)

Version 4 & 5 compression codes
Code Compression method
NONE No compression, only version 4
DFLT Deflate

Version 5 (2023-08-24)

Code name: Flagged (FLGD)

Version 6 (2023-08-31)

Code name: Separated (SPRD)

Format structure

Version 1-3

Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x40/​0x80 Header File header
0x40/​0x80 ? File[] All stored files

Version 1-3 Header

Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x04 String(4) Magic value HSSP; Version 1: SFA\x00
0x04 0x04 Uint32 Murmur­Hash3 hash of the body
0x08 0x04 Uint32 Number of files in the archive
0x0c 0x20 Blob(32) Double SHA-256 hash of the password, filled with 32×\x00 if encryption is not enabled
0x2c 0x10 Uint128 Encryption initialization vector, filled with 16×\x00 if encryption is not enabled
0x3c 0x04 Uint32 “Main file” index
0x40 0x00/​0x40 Empty/​Blob(64) Nothing, Version 3: just 64 bytes of padding, filled with \x00

Version 1-3 File

Offset Size Type Description
0x00 0x08 Uint64 File size (= FS)
0x08 0x02 Uint16 File name length (= NL)
0x0a NL String(NL) File name, if starting with //, the parser will assume it’s a folder
0x0a + NL FS Blob(FS) File contents
0x0a + NL + FS NL Blob(NL) Padding, filled with \x00 (this was a bug in the reference implementation)